De magie achter predictive analytics onthuld
LexisNexis| 2019-08-16
De magie achter predictive analytics onthuld
De toenemende beschikbaarheid van big data in combinatie met nieuwe technologieën zal er naar verwachting voor zorgen dat de waarde van de predictive analytics markt in 2022 zal groeien naar $ 12.41 miljard. Predictive analytics zit dus in de lift. Maar wat is het nu precies en waarom is het zo belangrijk?
Predictive analytics
Skills and Tools Every Data Engineer Needs to Tackle Big Data
Sisense| 2019-08-16
Skills and Tools Every Data Engineer Needs to Tackle Big Data
As a company that touts the benefits of a full end-to-end BI solution, we certainly know the value of a data engineer. The data engineer’s job is to extract, clean, and normalize data, clearing the path for data scientists to explore that data and build models. To do that, a data engineer needs to be skilled in a variety of platforms and languages.
Data Science Platform Skills
Wilt u als eerste zicht op nieuwe winkel locaties?
Inspecter| 2019-07-29
Wilt u als eerste zicht op nieuwe winkel locaties?
Hoe gebruik je gemeentelijke bekendmakingen om nieuwe locaties te vinden? “De komende twee jaar willen we 20 nieuwe locaties in Nederland!”, “We willen fysiek dichter bij onze klant zitten!”, “Wij zoeken locaties van minimaal 4.000 m2 en gratis parkeren.” U herkent uzelf in deze statements en zoekt met uw winkelketen of vastgoedbedrijf naar uitbreiding of verandering van uw vestigingen.
Why the Modern-Day Corporation Should Consider a Data Estate
TimeXtender| 2019-08-15
Why the Modern-Day Corporation Should Consider a Data Estate
There’s been a lot of talk for many years about the significant value of data to the corporation. So much so that we often hear pundits state how data is the new oil of the digital economy. There’s a lot of truth in this assessment. Today, data is the most valuable currency a company possesses.
data hub data lake
How a Data Factory Approach can Increase the Value of your Data
epam| 2019-08-15
How a Data Factory Approach can Increase the Value of your Data
Many organizations are grappling with how to effectively extract value from the vast, ever increasing amounts of data. According to a survey by Gartner, Inc, 87% of organizations have low business intelligence and analytics maturity
data management data technology
Logical Data Warehouse - the perfect combination of data federation, physical data integration, and a common query language, SQL
Data Virtuality| 2019-08-14
Logical Data Warehouse - the perfect combination of data federation, physical data integration, and a common query language, SQL
A modern data integration strategy employs what’s known as “best-fit engineering”, whereby each part of the data management infrastructure utilizes the most appropriate technology solution to perform its role
Logical Data Warehouse data lake strategy
Artificial intelligence is more than machine learning
Statista| 2019-08-14
Artificial intelligence is more than machine learning
One of the buzzwords that you cannot seem to get around lately is “Artificial Intelligence”. It seems like every company and every influencer in the tech sphere is talking about its potential and what it will do for us in the future.
AI Machine Learning