Case Study Talking Traffic Scaling Smart Mobility to a production level

WED 10:30 - 11:00

This is a 2018 presentation

After multiple years of exploring the options of data science to improve traffic flow, the government initiated the project Talking Traffic to move to a production stage. KPN, Dynniq, Vialis and Technolution joined forces to make this happen. Now we are live we are happy to share our learnings.

Examples of Use cases implemented:

  • Real time advice while driving
    • Incidents
    • Parking
    • Time to red / Time to green
    • Emergency vehicles
  • Priority vehicles to reduce waiting time and emissions
    • Emergency vehicles
    • Trucks
    • Bikes

The following requirements will be discussed:

  • more than 1 million users in 2018 up to around 2.5 million users in 2020
  • available to anyone owning a smartphone or up-to-date navigation system
  • Realtime (< 100MS)
  • Standardization on a European level C-ITS and ETSI)
  • Preparing for autonomous vehicles
  • Collaboration between multiple parties

This lecture is made possible by Anchormen.

  • Theme
    Data Science

    De impact van Data Science op onze business is enorm. Het ontsluiten van gestructureerde en ongestructureerde data door (zelf)lerende modellen vindt toepassing binnen allerlei bedrijven. Het oplossen van grote vraagstukken zoals: 'Hoe kan ik mijn klanten persoonlijker benadrukken met onze e-mailcampagnes?' of 'Kunnen we de hoeveleheid fraudegevallen bij aanvragen terugdringen?' gaat steeds sneller en effectiever door het gebruik van deze voorspellende toepassingen. Data Science helpt om continue waardevolle resultaten te behalen en te innoveren.