From Dutch energy supplier to international service provider in greenhouse horticulture

13:15 - 13:45

This is a 2022 presentation


Data opens new doors. By tackling the customer's problem with data, major business opportunities arise that were never thought of before. In the last years, for example, AgroEnergy has developed a series of data-driven services that take over the complex issue of energy use and trading on energy markets from the grower. A set of smart algorithms that not only optimize the results, but also act independently on the markets and control the energy installations.

This has proved successful and prompted the next step: the fully autonomous greenhouse. A proposition with worldwide potential and with a whole new playing field. With the establishment of a new, fully independent company, the autonomous control of the climate in greenhouses worldwide has been rolled out in 2 years, with support from ALTEN Netherlands in the field of the Azure data platform on which it is build. During the presentation, we will discuss the growers problem, the deployment and value of the data, the approach and the result, both from a data and business perspective.

  • Theme
    Digital Innovation & datadriven enterprises

    Digital Innovation is misschien wel dé manier waarop retailers succesvol kunnen zijn en blijven in een veranderend winkellandschap vol consumenten die zich steeds minder voorspelbaar lijken te gedragen. Retailers proberen in toenemende mate winkelervaringen te personaliseren. Data-analyse is daarbij één van de hulpmiddelen. Investeren in IT, sturen op data en toewerken naar een hoge NPS hoort hierbij. Tijdens de Big Data Expo zijn bedrijven en leveranciers aanwezig die kunnen helpen bij het uitrollen van een strategie of systeem dan wel het aan elkaar knopen van IT-tools die leiden tot betere interactie met klanten in winkels of via webshop.