Impact of marketing measurement modelling on media spend efficiency

15:30 - 16:00

This is a 2022 presentation


As a marketer, you have the option to choose from many different online- and offline marketing channels, each with their own (dis-)advantages. When deciding which channel to choose for your campaign, it can be difficult to measure what the effect is per channel. Especially for larger companies it can be difficult to determine the causal effects on sales. Fortunately, it is now possible to model this using detailed data. The causal impact can be determined per channel, as well as the combination of each parallel channel, and the effect of external factors (such as the weather/competitors/etc). Afterwards, the model suggests how you can use your budget in the best possible way to optimize your marketing ROI. 

  • Theme
    Data Science

    De impact van Data Science op onze business is enorm. Het ontsluiten van gestructureerde en ongestructureerde data door (zelf)lerende modellen vindt toepassing binnen allerlei bedrijven. Het oplossen van grote vraagstukken zoals: 'Hoe kan ik mijn klanten persoonlijker benadrukken met onze e-mailcampagnes?' of 'Kunnen we de hoeveleheid fraudegevallen bij aanvragen terugdringen?' gaat steeds sneller en effectiever door het gebruik van deze voorspellende toepassingen. Data Science helpt om continue waardevolle resultaten te behalen en te innoveren.