Auteur: Big Data Expo

Big Data Expo 2019 | Studio Data | Julio interviews Jeroen Franse & Dimitris Stafylarakis

In this episode of Studio Data, Julio interviews two KLM consultants: Jeroen Franse & Dimitris Stafylarakis, who have a complete data science team at their disposal. Together with Julio they discuss the data science projects at KLM.

Currently, Jeroen and Dimitri are working on a forecasting project in which the workload is predicted, based on data. This, for example, could aid in the decision making of the amount of people needed in one shift. The aim is to make this compatible with the way the decision makers work. That is to say, the data is presented in such a way that the decision makers would interpret the data the way the engineers intended.

Jeroen and Dimitri furthermore discuss the importance of scrum and how they implement it in their data-science projects. The main question here is how to develop the right skills for both data engineers and scientists to produce the right products and engage in successful collaborations with people coming from different backgrounds.

Finally, the topic of tech push and business pull is discussed - the difference between showing how disruptive tech can be, and what the business actually needs. According to Jeroen, this is a difficult matter when working in the innovative sector. To bridge that gap, several methods are discussed in this video.

Click here to watch the other Studio Data videos.

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