WOE 11:00 - 11:45

Dit is een presentatie van 2017

With all the recent technological developments, more and more data is being generated. How can the police cope with the continuously increasing amount of data? What techniques does the police use to be more effective at its job?

In this session, we will explore some examples of effective usage of police data. Can we predict where burglary will occur? How can we gain more insights in a criminal network? How can we find who is important to focus on? We will show that a cooperation with universities is required in order to keep up with the most recent developments.

Then, we will show some results of the Xomnia Datathon, which was organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Security and Justice and the National Police. Students in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science were locked up in jail for 24 hours, where they were challenged to make the world more safe using intelligent techniques. Some of the winners of the Datathon will explain their approach on this use case.

Check our aftermovie of the Datathon here.

Sign up for this session here.

This session is made possible by Xomnia.