One Size Does Not Fit All: Make The Right Data Mesh For You

WOE 13:15 - 13:45

Dit is een presentatie van 2022


As the data mesh paradigm takes the industry by storm, the conversation must not deep dive exclusively into the architecture, neglecting the organisational element. A successful data mesh requires investment in the people and processes that can make it work. And, the path to getting there isn't the same for everyone.

Please join Snowflake and FindHotel to hear how data mesh principals meet a practical implementation.

In this session you will:

  • Discover the principle elements of the new data mesh paradigm: domain ownership, data-as-a-product, self-service infrastructure and federated governance
  • Explore the socio-organisational challenges of delivering data products and services to internal and external customers, such as how to accommodate different maturity levels across the organization
  • Learn best practices in driving organisational and cultural change within an organisation through stakeholder steering committees, communities of practice, and data literacy
  • Domain decomposition - The challenges around identifying the domains in the company and the compromises you can make to facilitate adoption.
  • Domain data maturity - How to successfully identify the different levels of data maturity in the organization and build the platform and processes that can reduce the gaps.
  • Thema
    Data Science

    De impact van Data Science op onze business is enorm. Het ontsluiten van gestructureerde en ongestructureerde data door (zelf)lerende modellen vindt toepassing binnen allerlei bedrijven. Het oplossen van grote vraagstukken zoals: 'Hoe kan ik mijn klanten persoonlijker benadrukken met onze e-mailcampagnes?' of 'Kunnen we de hoeveleheid fraudegevallen bij aanvragen terugdringen?' gaat steeds sneller en effectiever door het gebruik van deze voorspellende toepassingen. Data Science helpt om continue waardevolle resultaten te behalen en te innoveren.